About Me
Hounds Connect
Hi, I’m Joanne Frame, creator and owner of Hounds Connect. Hounds Connect is a therapy service that offers counselling to people with dogs. I started this unique service in 2013. We are based in Scotland, in the Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park, but work with people across the world.
Working through difficulties with my own dogs I started to realise how important my own thoughts and feelings were to their behaviour. I was learning more about myself as well. It seemed to me that this aspect of living well with our dogs wasn’t much talked about. So I started counselling for dog people, where you can talk about the things that are troubling you.
Why ‘Hounds Connect’?
Its all about feelings. It was my experience with hounds that taught me how important noticing how I felt was. This led me to appreciate the importance of considering my feelings more generally. I think a lot of us learn to disregard our feelings a lot of the time and that’s not always a good thing. So we’re called Hounds Connect and that’s why a heart features in our logo.
My Dream
Each and every one of us has an important role to play in the world and we make the strongest impact when we live authentically.
With Hounds Connect I want to contribute to the development of a more harmonious world view. In that world, when we experience problems with our dogs, we won’t always rush to fix the dog. It will become natural to wonder about the bigger picture. We will allow ourselves to ask, ‘What is going on for me (at the other end of the leash)?’ We will have an open curiosity for the answers we receive. There is no doubt that this approach will challenge us but I believe it will help us learn to live more truly and honestly.
“The secret to finding the deeper level in the other is finding the deeper level in yourself. Without finding it in yourself, you cannot see it in the other.”
-Eckhart Tolle