I have an apple tree in the garden and when the fruit is ready for picking I try to stop the dogs eating all the apples. It’s not because I begrudge them the odd apple or ten. I think they’re probably healthy but I’m wary of the consequences at the other end.
Apples remind me of the Adam and Eve story in the Christian bible. I wouldn’t describe myself as religious but I did go to a school that focussed on Christian teachings. I remember, as a little girl, being troubled by the suggestion from the Adam and Eve story that it was the girls that had caused all the problems, that women were responsible for humankind’s ‘fall from grace’.
Then I came across a post from one of my favourite thought-provoking blogs, Spirit of the Scripture’ by Joshua Tilghman. It explained the spiritual meaning of Adam and Eve and the apple in the Garden of Eden.
Josh’s posts explain it much better than me but the gist is that the eating of the apple represents searching for knowledge. It was a necessary part of man’s evolution; necessary and to be applauded.
Shortly after reading the post I was sitting under my own apple tree. Archie was getting fixated on the apples. I think he thought they were tennis balls. “Just stop trying to nick my apples, Archie, there’s a good boy!” I snapped. The moment the words were out of my mouth I laughed. Here was my Labrador trying to discover something new, getting a bite out of an apple and I was intent on making him behave! I was amused by the reminder. How often am I focussing on getting my dogs (and myself) to do what we ‘should do’, forgetting to explore the wonder of living this life.
I was reminded again today as I came across a post about harvesting apples. Here’s Archie, and Jack, helping further my knowledge.