What is Anubis Therapy?
Anubis Therapy is counselling for dog owners. It is a different way of working with the dogs in our lives and how we relate to him or her.
I developed Anubis Therapy because of my struggles with my own dogs. Dog trainers would say to me “It’s never about the dog.” Books told me that the problems with dog ownership were all about the owner. But I didn’t know what to do about it. It seemed you either had a way with dogs, or you didn’t.
I started to become aware of how my thoughts, feelings and intentions affected others around me, including my animals. I started to pay more attention to what was going on between my own dogs and myself. Working with my dogs and my personal development I started to see connections. The development of Anubis Therapy has been a result of that work.
Benefits from our dogs
There have been lots of studies showing how a dog can be good for our health. They keep us company and help us exercise more. Just stroking a dog has been shown to lower our heart rate.
The achievements of expertly trained service dogs, working for organisations such as the military or the police, are awesome. How personal service dogs help individuals manage their day-to-day lives, is also incredible.
Our family pets, the ones that aren’t trained to a rigorous standard, can help us. They can help us get a better understanding of ourselves, teaching us to live in a more balanced and harmonious way.
When we have a difficulty with our dog, we have a number of options. Perhaps we will seek help from a dog trainer or a behaviourist expert. We may consult a health specialist, like a vet or other, complimentary, therapists.
Anubis Therapy offers another option. In Anubis Therapy the focus is on you and what your relationship with your dog means to you.
What’s involved?
Anubis Therapy is counselling for dog owners.
Taking time to reflect on the feelings and emotions that come up for you about your dog allows you to look closer at yourself, something which people rarely get time to do. This can lead you to have a greater self-awareness of yourself. A greater self-awareness can help enormously with your relationship with your dog, but also with other areas in your life, and most importantly, with yourself. It is that which I believe our dogs are here to teach us.
You don’t need to be experiencing problems with your dog to benefit from Anubis Therapy.
Anubis Therapy involves one-to-one hour sessions, where you, the client, are invited to talk about your relationship with your dog, in a confidential, non-judgemental and safe environment. Sessions are by appointment and can be carried out over the telephone, over Skype, or in person at our venue in the Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park.
If you are interested but not sure and would like to hear more, give me a call or drop me an email and I can answer any questions. If its something that sparks your curiosity and you want to give it a go, give me a call to arrange an appointment. I look forward to hearing from you 🙂